Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SoundSlides project

Every day students studying, working and going to class in the Murrow Complex inadvertantly leave trash, dirt and general disarray. Custodian Mike Miller makes sure it's all back in order before they return the next day.

I wanted to do this topic because most people don't even think about how their building is clean every morning. It's not magic, it's someone's work. Those of us who spend late hours at the Murrow Complex usually say hello and goodbye to the custodians, sometimes share cigarettes, but we still know relatively little about who they are or what their job is like.

I didn't do much color correcting with the photos because I thought the overwhelming beige was appropriate for the theme, and I liked the juxtaposition with the colorful cleaning details. My audio was not so great, but it was more authentic (and less of an inconvenience to Mike) to interview him while he was on the job. It would have been way too corny to add in music or something.

Watching it again now, I think I should have pared down the images. I was worried about not having enough, but it's a little jumpy.

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